Herman Janse van RensburgThe ABCs of Property Transfers: What Buyers and Sellers Need to Know About the Costs and ProcessesAn explanation to understand compliance certificates, transfer duty, conveyancing fees, and everything you’ll encounter during a transfer.
Herman Janse van RensburgFixtures and Fittings: What forms part of the property and what can be packed?Buying or selling a house is a significant financial decision, and understanding what exactly is included in the sale is crucial.
Frederick van ZylResidential Evictions - what a landlord should expectAt some point, every landlord has to deal with a stubborn tenant who doesn't play by the rules. Here's the what, when, and why of evictions.
Frederick van ZylTips for property buyersHere are our top tips for things you should look out for when buying a property to give you peace of mind.